Is LIFE Leadership Business a scam? Learn real TRUTH!
Scam Defined
First things first; a scam is a fraudulent or deceptive act, operation or confidence game, especially for making a quick profit; and emphasis should be strongly placed on the act of deception.
Most often I hear people mention Network Marketing and pyramid schemes or Ponzi Schemes in the same breath.
Here’s where people step onto the slippery slope of guilt by association and fall into troubled waters.
Being a former university researcher, I learned in order to demonstrate the veracity of one's work two things were critical: first, whenever possible, go to primary sources first, not second or third-hand information; and secondly, the greater the authority of the primary source, the greater weight it carries.
Therefore, to help you make a more informed decision as to whether the LIFE Business is a scam I will take you through four tips provided by the United States Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection for anyone considering joining a Multilevel Marketing organization and provide commentary. (Please note that quotes from the FTC are labeled as such with my comments labeled THE TRUTH respectively).
Multilevel Marketing Definition
According to the FTC, in multilevel or network marketing, individuals sell products to the public - often by word of mouth marketing and direct selling. Typically, distributors earn commissions, not only for their own sales, but also for sales produced by the individuals they recruit. Not every network marketing plans are legitimate. If the money you earn is based on your sales to the public, it might be a legitimate multi-level marketing plan. If however, the money you earn is dependent on how many people you recruit and your sales to them, it’s not. It’s a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal, and the majority of members lose money.
The FTC further warns that if you’re thinking about buying into or getting involved with a multilevel marketing plan, do your research and learn the details.
Point 1 - Consider the Products
Many companies that market their products through distributors sell quality items at competitive prices. But some offer goods that are overpriced, have questionable merits, or are downright unsafe to use. Find out what will you be selling. Are similar products on the market? Is the product priced competitively? Is it safe? Can your sponsor - the distributor who is recruiting you - support the claims about the product’s performance?
Individuals who join the LIFE Leadership Business sell personal growth materials as independent Life Members. One of the primary pillars of the LIFE strategy to personal growth is the growth and development of communities that encourage people to further improve their leadership, people skills, along with other core competencies.
What does that mean? It’s simple, through the LIFE Leadership Business you’re helping both yourself as well as others improve from the inside out. The old maxim fits well here that if you can't effectively rule yourself, you cannot lead a village. This is what makes LIFE so unique. The typical fair of MLM's such as lotions, potions and cures can't help heal a marriage, family, town or a nation; only effective leadership can do that. Therefore, as people learn to take control of their lives, they become better people and grow into better citizen leaders in our Republic.
Orrin Woodward along with the other founders of LIFE purposely designed their learning programs to adhere to the principles consistent with sustained high achievement, namely: small, affordable doses of real information and truth learned and applied consistently with time.
The LIFE Leadership primarily achieves this objective through the format of monthly subscriptions, which concentrate on the what the LIFE Leadership calls the"8F's" or, the categories whereby we live our everyday life - Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, Following, Freedom, and Fun.
What’s the LIFE Leadership based on?
The LIFE Leadership is founded upon the teaching principles of Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, co-authors of the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Money Magazine, Business Weekly best seller Launching a Leadership Revolution. The LIFE improvement materials provided by the LIFE Company have received accolades from individuals, business owners, educators, business consultants, other bestselling authors, military leaders, leaders in elected government, and professional sports figures.
Point 2 - Learn More About the Company
Find and study - the company’s track record. Do an internet search with the name of the company and words like review, scam, or complaint. Look through several pages of search results. You also may want to look for articles about the company in newspapers, magazines, or online. Find out: how long the company has been in business whether it has a positive reputation for customer satisfaction, what the buzz is about the company and its product on blogs and websites, whether the company has been sued for deceptive business practices
If you want a solid track record it's Orrin Woodward the LIFE Leadership Business. Listen, Orrin shows how the American Dream really works. Starting from a shy boy who had a speech problem, to being told as an engineer at GM that he had no people skills and shouldn't talk to others to filling stadiums with over 10,000 people who pay to hear him speak. ..that speaks volumes. Who would you trust to help you grow personally; someone who has overcome a tremendous amount through listening to and applying the very leadership principles he espouses or...a critic that sits in the darkness of their basement clacking out half-truths and lies?
Each of the members of the LIFE Business Policy Council is filled with others who've
Point 3 - Evaluate the Plan
Don’t pay or sign a contract in an “opportunity meeting.” Take your time to think over your decision. Your investment requires real money, so don’t rush into it without doing some research first.
Ask your sponsor for the terms and conditions of the plan, including: the compensation structure, your potential expenses, support for claims about how much money you can make, the name and contact information of someone at the company who can answer your questions.
Get this information in writing. Avoid any plan where the reward for recruiting new distributors is more than it is for selling products to the public. That’s a time-tested and traditional tip-off to a pyramid scheme.
Keep in mind that when you recruit new distributors, you are responsible for the claims you make about how much money they can earn. Be honest, and be realistic. If your promises fall through, you could be held liable, even if you are simply repeating claims you read in a company brochure or heard from another distributor.
If you don’t understand something, ask for more information until it is absolutely clear to you. Your sponsor and other distributors should be willing to answer your questions. Remember that your sponsor (and others above your sponsor's level) will make money if you join the program. So take your time, and resist pressure to join. Be aware of shills - fake references paid by the company or distributor to pretend they were successful earning money through the plan.
Find out about refunds.
Get the company’s refund policy in writing. Make sure it includes information about returning any unused products, including restrictions and penalties.
Is there a guarantee on LIFE materials? Absolutely. Just as with LIFE Training, LIFE offers a 30 day money back return policy on all its products.
If the LIFE Business were a scam or pyramid scheme would the offer a 30 day money back return policy ON ALL ITS PRODUCTS? Of course not...therefore....they're not a scam.
Speaking of money, critics of the LIFE Leadership Business might be enlightened to learn that nearly 25% subscriptions to customers ARE NOT involved in the compensated community. Who are they? People who understand that in order to change, you have to do something.
Think about whether this kind of work suits your talents and goals.
Ask yourself whether you would enjoy selling products to the public. Find out how many hours a week your sponsor and other distributors spent on the business when they joined and how much time they spend now. Remember that no matter how good the product and how solid the plan, you’ll need to invest sweat equity and money for your investment to pay off. Consider the other demands of the business - for example, going to training, recruiting new distributors, managing paperwork, recording inventory, and shipping products.
Yes, you should think about whether this is the kind of work that best fits your talents and goals. And ask yourself, 'if I were offered the opportunity to get into a business which helps me grow in the 8 areas of life that are most important to me, shouldn't I at least give it a look?'
Honestly, who doesn't want to be a better parent, spouse or neighbor? Who couldn't use stronger faith, a closer family, greater financial well-being, a healthier lifestyle, leadership abilities, personal freedom, and frankly more fun?
Point 4 - Ask Questions
Ask your sponsor and other distributors tough questions, and dig for details. Don’t consider it nosy or intrusive: you are on a mission to check out a potential business deal that will require your money and your time.
Their responses can help you detect false claims about the amount of money you may make and whether the business is a pyramid scheme. Here are some questions to ask before making any decisions:
Truth stands independent and free; something is either what it states or it isn't. There's no such thing as white lies; lies are lies. By extension, someone of integrity expects to be believed so when they’re not, they let time prove them right.
Lazy people are quick to embrace a lie. Why? well, because it takes no effort; finding the truth requires effort.
However, when presented with the truth, these same people will often resist believing or accepting the facts because again, it either requires effort to make the mental switch or, the truth shines a light on their laziness and lazy people don't like to be told they're lazy. Possibly, mentally lazy people struggle with pride and aren't willing to fight the deeper, spiritual battle embracing truth requires.
Mental Fitness Challenge
This discussion of mentally lazy people is a nice segues into additional evidence that the LIFE Leadership Business isn't a scam...The Mental Fitness Challenge (MFC).
MFC is a cutting-edge program developed by world-renowned leadership gurus and best-selling authors, Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady. Orirn and Chris created MFC to teach success thinking so that everyone is enabled to make improvements in their lives.
Anyone can start the Mental Fitness Challenge today by going to and taking the FREE MFC Self-Assessment Test, which will help you determine your strengths and weaknesses based upon thirteen main areas of life outlined in the best-selling book by Orrin Woodward Resolved: 13 Resolutions for LIFE.
A Challenge To Cynics and False Critics
I challenge those who are cynical of Orrin and critical of the LIFE Business to take the challenge.
I would hazard a guess that if you’re spending time maligning someone who’s trying to help others that deep inside you feel like your life is lacking fulfillment; therefore, take back control, rise to the Challenge, and you’ll will be pleased to discover that you can start Living the Life You've Always Wanted.
In conclusion, most of the biggest mistakes and missed opportunities to change lives stems from falsely clinging to our preconceived notions and emotional blind spots.
If you've been approached by a trusted friend about the LIFE Leadership, first do the honest thing and truly make an effort to understand what the LIFE Leadership Business offers.
Put forth the effort, do the research using primary sources and consider who the leadership of LIFE Leadership Business are then, make the intelligent decision and get your life started.
Excellent article on helping people make good decisions. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Clint Fix | 20 February 2013 at 01:36 PM
Thanks Orrin, because you know where your going, you know what our community need every day!! Thanks for always leading!!
Posted by: Manase fotu | 21 February 2013 at 07:13 AM
Great article Orrin. Thanks for your transparency.
Posted by: John Lewis | 21 February 2013 at 02:13 PM
Orin woodward and chris brady are and will change this world into what it should be so anyone that does say any deragotory statements against hen and the life biz should get a grip and go to church to get the devil out of themselvesand realize that the life all about life changing materials and let me say i am a much better person now since Aug.3rd 2012 spiratually personally and i thank the founders and cofounders for making this happen.
SINCERELY,Stephen Sarrazine Rockford,il
Posted by: stephen sarrazine | 25 February 2013 at 07:11 PM
Manese et al...
Just to let everyone know, this isn't Orrin Woodward posting these articles; I'm just a committed friend of Orrins. I've known Orrin for years and enjoy learning and changing.
As I'm well known in my industry, I've decided to use the pseudonym Hannibal Noms deGuerre so I can write openly and without restraint.
Posted by: Hannibal Noms deGuerre | 26 February 2013 at 08:44 AM
I've posted this above, however I wanted to again post it here for everyone to read. Manese et al...
Just to let everyone know, this isn't Orrin Woodward posting these articles; I'm just a committed friend of Orrin. I've known Orrin for years and enjoy learning and changing.
As I'm well known in my industry, I've decided to use the pseudonym Hannibal Noms deGuerre so I can write openly and without restraint.
Posted by: Hannibal Noms deGuerre | 26 February 2013 at 08:45 AM
Posted by: INEXORABLEMAN | 10 March 2014 at 05:32 PM
Great article just for the people to understand what LifeLeadership is and if they want to better themselves.
Posted by: debra | 16 November 2014 at 01:23 PM
great article for these people that think this is a scam and even the people that are checking into Life Leadership Who doesn't want to better there lives or know someone who need this kind of information. Great Christmas gifts,
Posted by: debra | 16 November 2014 at 01:26 PM